Saturday, April 28, 2007

The Geek Proves It

Having bragged that I can name 20 English cognates of the Latin verb that means "to send" (i.e. mitto, mittere, missi, missum) I feel obligated to do so. If you know any I missed, transmit me a missive, and I will correct my omission and be eternally grateful.

1. admit
2. admission
3. permit
4. permission

5. remit
6. remission
7. transmit
8. transmission
9. dismiss
10. dismission
11. dismissal
12. remittance
13. miss
14. missive
15. missile
16. remiss
17. emit
18. emission
19. demise
20. mission
21. commit
22. commission
23. comittee
24. submit
25. submission
26. omission
27. omit
28. emissary (Okay, so I underestimated).


  1. Anonymous4:25 PM

    " Missal " It's the Catholic equivalent of the Episcopalean " Book of Common Prayer.

    Jerry Zoeller

  2. Anonymous11:40 PM

    Still totally impressed! :)


About Me

I love my country, that is why I criticize its absurdities; I love my freedom, that is why I do it publicly.