Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Get Yer Illegal T-shirts Heah! is selling a shirt that has been outlawed in several states, including Oklahoma and Arizona. The shirt is an anti-war protest that contains the names of over three thousand fallen service men and women who have given their lives in the so-called War on Terror. Such laws are bald-faced attempts to curb the First Amendment right of free speech. Because I believe that obedience to such laws gives the government permission to revoke my right of free speech, I ordered one of these shirts today, and will cheerfully go to jail for wearing it, if need be.

At any rate, for those of you who wish to voice your support of our remaining troops by bringing them home alive, I thought I'd give you a heads-up.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Forgiveness, Fallwell, and Me

My reading today in A Course in Miracles tells me that I need to understand that forgiveness is not overlooking someone's sin, but rather acknowledging the fact that if God created a world as perfect as He is, nothing in that world is out of place. The reading advises me to try to understand that things that seem to need forgiving are really as they should be, and the problem I'm having with them is mine.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Disabled Child has no Right to Life Support

Here is one of those questions I'll have to put in the "Glad I don't have to answer it" column, but I can't get it off my mind for other reasons.

Emilio Gonzalez is a terminally ill 17-month-old boy who "lives" on a hospital ward in Austin, Texas. There is no chance that Emilio will ever get well. His court appointed attorney/guardian ad litem has filed a legal brief in which he asserts that "there is no constitutional right to medical treatment and Emilio does not have a fundamental right to life-sustaining treatment."

Monday, May 07, 2007

Irked by Iraq

I hate this war.

I thought at first it was a knee-jerk reaction because I was a teenager during the worst of the Viet Nam tragedy. It's not. I hate this war.

I hate it because from the very beginning, I was branded and labeled for opposing it. Before the first soldier set foot in Iraq, people were flipping me the bird because I had an anti-war bumper sticker on my car. Every time I spoke out against the war, I was told that I was unpatriotic, inappropriate, or hateful. My pastor refused to pray for peace during Sunday services, even though there is a perfectly good prayer for peace in our prayerbook. My relationship with the church was the first casualty of the war for me.

About Me

I love my country, that is why I criticize its absurdities; I love my freedom, that is why I do it publicly.